Thursday, January 2, 2014

21 Days of Fasting & Prayer- Day 1

Week One:  Day one
“What is Fasting? Why do it? How do you do it ‘right?’ How long should I fast? What do I fast?”

                      To fast is to do without food for a period of time for the purposes of seeking a deeper more intimate relationship with God, or bringing your flesh in submission to your spirit. Others fasted when they were facing overwhelming enemy attacks and others during drought.  Still, other fast occurred when individuals, and or nations, needed Divine Guidance and protection.  There have even been fast recorded in the Scripture for breaking the spiritual bondage of poverty.

   Our fast is focused on the life-transforming power of right fasting, right faith, right finances and walking in God’s right future for you-and for our Cornerstone family may use us to reach others, “So others may live!”  “So others may live!” is the message God has given Cornerstone to focus upon!

                     It is very important to have a purpose for your fast.  Your flesh will battle your obedience to fasting.  Your mind will give you reason after reason ‘why’ you cannot fast. The great lie is, “If God wanted me to fast He would make it easy or easier for me to do so!”  Do not give in to the lie!  Satan knows when you discover and experience the powerful weapon of right fasting that he has lost the first of many battles.

                     Right fasting is not only the separating yourself from food but also the “pleasures” of life that feed your earthly life but devour your spiritual life, hinder your faith devour your finances and impede what God wants to do through you!  For example, during this fast, turn off any television programs that do not feed your spirit.  Except for work- related issues, deny your cravings to search the web, Facebook, unnecessary phone calls or texting. Right fasting denies your flesh the right to rule!

                     Make the most of every opportunity to feed your spirit on God’s word!  I suggest the Gospel of John as a good beginning place. Listen to uplifting Christian music and ‘sing along!”  The Holy Spirit uses Christ adoring music to prepare our hearts and minds.

                      How long should you fast?  That depends on several things. If you have never fasted before, I suggest you begin by setting aside one meal a day for three days.  Then go to two meals a day for three days. Then go a full day from sun down to sundown.  Others may vary their fast by alternating days of eating. Others may set aside a total three-day fast or even for a longer period of time. Drink plenty of fluids!

  If you have physical issues, such as diabetes, consult your physician for guidance. If a physical condition does not allow you to fast food then fast the other things in your life that consume your time, finances and God’s intended future for you!.                                                                              

                       You may choose what has been called the “Daniel Fast.”  (see Daniel 11)  In this fast a person eats only vegetables and water for a period of time.  Some who have experience in fasting may choose a ‘total’ fast of nothing but liquids for the period of time.  Please remember, it is about feeding your spirit the Word of God, introspection, revelation, worship and prayer, as well as, denying your flesh the right to rule!  You will probably find fasting technology even more difficult than fasting food!

                     Read Isaiah 58 several times today. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you grace and help to prepare you to say “No” to your flesh and mind and “Yes” to fasting for a higher purpose.  As you enter this fast, ask the Holy Spirit to work in and with you “so others may live!”  A life well lived is one that “lays it down” so “others may live!” 

                     Let’s pray. “Father, my flesh fights Your will, even though I know it is always the right course.  Help me, by Your Holy Spirit and the Word of God, to bring my flesh into submission that my today and future may be lived in such a way as to glorify You and so “others may live!”   In Jesus Name, Amen!”

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