Wednesday, January 15, 2014

21 Days of Fasting & Prayer- Day 15

Tithes, First Fruits, and Offerings
I receive many prayer request each month. The number one request for prayer is in the area of finances!  More people ask for prayer concerning financial needs than for physical healing, more than for marriages, or even for lost loved ones! 
Is God silent on this vital issue? Does He care?  Does He know?  Does He have a plan that includes help both for our soul and for our financial well being?  There is Good News!  He does!
Because God wants to bless you and see you succeed in all things, He has put a system into place based on the principle of “tithing, first-fruits, and offerings (sowing seed.)” 
Robert Morris, in his book The Blessed Life, penned a profound truth in his statement, “It is all about the heart!”  Jesus, our Lord, declared, “Where a man’s treasure is, there is his heart also!” 
Whatever you treasure is where you will center your life. Your treasure is what you spend your time, energies, and money upon.  If your treasure is God, He will be where you deposit your time, talents and money-your treasure!
We need to treasure God with our treasures! It benefits us to treasure God and what God treasures!  What does God treasure and how what part does Right Finances please the heart of God?
As we look at finances and issues with finances we need to be sure we understand where we are financially.  Not many people have enough money to pay all of their bills in a timely manner.  This is because of lack of discipline – how many of you know how much money is in your checking account right now?  Do you know what your net worth is?  Do you have any money in savings?  This is how we are robbed in our finances.  In order for us to be good stewards and for God to bless our finances we must first know what we have and what we need. 
How much of your emotional time and energy do you spend pondering over bills?  How am I going to pay my rent, my mortgage, my light bill, and of course my cell phone bill – not to mention which credit card will I pay.  If you are truly struggling financially I encourage you first of all to sit down and find out what your real financial snap shot looks like.  My guess if you are not tithing, because you do not have the money to tithe.  So my question for you today is:  Would you dedicate sometime over the next week to look at your finances?  Then begin thinking and praying asking God to give you a plan to get out of debt.  Yes OUT OF DEBT!  Think about what you would be able to do for your family and for the kingdom if you were out of debt.  I promise you if you follow the plans in God’s word about finances you can be DEBT FREE.
 As we embark on this fast to start out 2014, let your prayer be for God to assist you in getting your finances in order.  I challenge you today to list all of your debt and all of your income.  More than likely
you will find lots of monies spent on eating out and Walmart stops that you did not know you were spending.  As you read Malachai 3:10  God challenges us to test him with our finances.  So I would like for you to take God at his word.  Test him and see…..  
How do you begin?
1.    List all of your expected income.
2.   List all of your debt
3.   Calculate what your tithe should be.
4.   Write your check or give your tithe to God.
5.    Pray for God’s blessings on your tithe.
6.   Record everything that you purchase or pay in a journal for the remainder of the month.
7.   Pray daily for wisdom.
8.   Record in your journal how God is working in the area of finances in your life.

Dear Heavenly Father I thank  you today for the new words of wisdom I have received in regards to Right Finances.  I ask you Lord to bless me and my household, help me to see all the blessings that you have given me.  I pray that as I have given my tithe you will rebuke the devour in my life.  Help me to be more conscience of my finances and to take care of the things you have already provided for me and my family.
Please journal your deepest thoughts on how you need God’s help to get your financial house in order.  Be very honest with God.  Ask him to show you your strengths and weaknesses.  Pray for God to allow you and your spouse to be able to discuss finances openly.  Determine to let God show you a Great Financial Plan for 2014,

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