Monday, September 30, 2013

Proverbs 21

Proverbs 21.  Trouble Free Living

No one can live a life totally free from trouble!  But a lot of it can be avoided if we listen, learn and live this powerful piece of wisdom"

“23  Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble”

The old Cajun fisherman pulled in his seventh or eighth fish of the morning and dropped it in his bucket.  He smiled as he glanced at my fresh, clean and empty bucket.  "Hey Pastor, ya know even da fish would not get in trouble if he kept his mouth shut-for sure yeh!"   My fish were doing quite well at keeping their mouth shut!  I wish I could always say that about myself- and others I have encountered along life's way.

God commands us in His Word to "Put a guard over our lips!"  We are to guard, govern all that goes out the gate of our lips. To this all would agree, but it is normally followed with, "I speak before I think." Or "We'll if I am thinking it I might as well say it, it is just as bad!"  One said all too often, "I just can't help it! Before I know what I have said, I have already said it!"  Ever heard or said that one? And finally the number one of all times, "I said it, but I did not mean it!" as if that would remove the poison their words inflicted.

If you wish to stay out of trouble, or at least out of much of it, listen and do what our Father commands us.  "A soft answer turns away wrath!" And "return not evil with evil, but overcome evil with good!"  How quieter lives would we live if we live "Be quick to hear and slow to speak!"  Remember the words of wisdom from my old Cajun friend, "hey Pastor, even a fish would not get caught if he kept his mouth shut, for sure, yeh!"  

Give God something to bless, like a "bridled tongue!"  For if our tongue is not bridled- controlled- the Holy Spirit said our "religion is in vain-worthless trash!"  Start today and ask the Holy Spirit to help you respond when He prompts you to "Be quiet!"

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Friday, September 27, 2013

Proverbs 20

Proverbs 20.   Along the Way

It has been forty years since I first read the Book of Proverbs.  At first, I thought the writer had Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) by the way he jumped from one topic to another then another and another....Well, you get the point.

But then I realized his writings were also Inspired by God the Holy Spirit just as Matthew, Luke, John and all the rest of the Bible. This Holy Book is filled with bite size nuggets, fitting just right in life's busy schedule!  They are clear, simple words of wisdom that we can apply on an instant and daily basis. I want to give you a few from chapter 20 that have helped and guided me along this Journey.

V1. “Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise. "

In my B.C. Days (before Christ)  I, like so many others, believed I could handle alcohol.  I recall believing I was even a better driver after a few drinks!  How many tens of thousands of families have had their lives devastated with a knock at the door and standing there a messenger that there loved would was not coming home, a drinking driver killed them, but he walked away! Think about it!

My next one is verse 4, " A sluggard (lazy person) does not plow in autumn; he will seek at harvest but find nothing!"

My father was killed when I was four, leaving my mother to raise four children by herself. She never sat down to simply watch a television show, but in her hands was a needle and thread or some work that needed doing. I saw her her put her feet in plastic bags because there were holes in her shoes, as she stood long hours on wet, cold concrete floors in a local meat packing plant.  Laziness is a despicable sin!

A hand up is one thing, but handouts make slaves out of people! It teaches dependence and then expectations that that helping hand is their right.  "If a man will not work, neither shall he eat!" Says the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul.  Note it did not say "If a man cannot work, or cannot find work...but if a man will not work!"  Note the difference.

There is "honor in all labor!" Declares God.  The work available may not be what you want, or pay what you have made or think you deserve, but to refuse to work when it is available is a sin against God, your family and yourself!  Work builds character and as God gave us in verse 6, God looks for "a faithful man" to bless the "work of his hands!"

There are others, but time and space will not allow but this last golden nugget,
Verse 29, "the glory of a young man is his strength, the splendor of an old man is his silver hair!" Both have their time and  place in in our lives.  I am now in the "splendor" place of life. Still in pretty good shape, still strong in body.  But beneath these silver locks lies four decades of experiential wisdom that comes only with time of walking with God!  I tell you truthfully as King David did, "I was once young, but now I am old, but I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread!"

Give God something to bless!  Be wise enough to study His Word and discover the golden nuggets of wisdom that are yours simply for the taking! Be blessed!

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Proverbs 19

Proverbs 19.   Whose to Blame?

Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.2 Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.3 When a man’s folly  brings his way to ruin, his heart rages against the LORD.”

What a vivid and life like portrait Solomon's words have painted for us!   His model is anyone and everyone who walks without integrity.  Integrity is a word almost lost in our American culture.  Integrity is an inner compass that always points us in the "right direction," God's direction!  It is what keeps us on the straight and narrow when no one else is around or when we are somewhere no one  knows us.  Integrity steers the direction of our lives and the absence of it is a life headed for the rocks of disaster!

A person void of integrity makes hasty decisions, takes crooked paths, and uses unethical means to get his desires.  He forms plans at which he is the center of the universe and to get there he will do whatever it takes!  But be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap!  
At some point in time the life of person void of integrity will crash around him. All his plans, all his scheming, and all his get rich quick ways will crash around him.

But who does he blame for his plight?  Does he acknowledge his sins of greed, self and pride?  Very rarely!  No, he blames God!  His anger is directed at God-the very One he ignored!  Before you end up like this man, drop to your knees and confess to Almighty God the sin of your greed and pride!  Beseech Him to "create in you a clean heart and a right spirit!"  It might not be too late for you! Give God a repentant heart, give Him something to bless!  He is waiting but time is running out for you! 

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Proverbs 18

Proverbs 18. How to Recognize a Fool

Verse 2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

6 A fool’s lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites  a beating.

7 A fool’s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul.

Consider for a moment that you are the smartest, most intelligent human on earth. Wouldn't that be awesome. You would know what stocks to buy and when to sell. You would understand all things, know all things and nothing would surprise you! Sounds great! Or does it?

Solomon had no equal. There were none he could have an intelligent conversation with. There were none he could discuss politics, religion, or finances and whose opinion he valued. Solomon did not have or need a council of advisors, for who could advise the wisest man on earth? Compared to Solomon he was surrounded by fools! Can you imagine how he felt as he listened to the dribble issuing from the lips of the "wanna be's".

So how do you deal with those whose only right opinion is theirs? And what do you do about those whose lips are as abusive and abrasive as coarse sandpaper on an open wound? The answer, you don't! Fools will not hear your words nor receive instruction. If you have attempted in love to "show them a more excellent way" and they did not receive it, then back off and find a place of prayer and commit them to God! Ask Him to open their heart and the eyes of their understanding. You can't do it, only He can!

So give God something to bless, don't debate with fools, but rather pray for them! It will do good for both!

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Proverbs 17

Proverbs 17.  Contentment

“Better is a dry morsel with quiet than a house full of feasting with strife."

Can you hear the echo of Solomon's thoughts as he writes these words to his son in hopes that he will not make the same mistakes as he had done. He had so much but lived so empty!  Seven hundred wives, three hundred mistresses, mountains of gold, yet he described it all as "vanity," dry wells, promising much, but delivering little!

Solomon was the wealthiest man alive, and according to Jesus, the wisest that ever lived. What would he know about having nothing but "dry morsels" to live on?  He is old as he pens these words of wisdom. As he writes, his hands shake, not so much with age, but with truths learned the hard way, and at great cost!

Without question Solomon was the source of many conversations. Kings and would-be monarchs envied his wealth, prestige, and power but the acquisition of it all had not brought to Solomon the one thing he longed for- peace!  With all he had he was saying, "I would trade it all for a life of peace and contentment!"

Think this not strange nor an issue of long ago. Our own superstars, rich, glamorous and with all the stuff this world can offer turn to drugs, alcohol and relationship after relationship trying to find that missing ingredient that makes life worth living, and that is contentment!  If they were content- fulfilled by their success and the stuff of life- they would have no need of the death they take into their bodies!  Ask Solomon, or better yet, listen to God, both will tell you a life of peace is more valuable than a mountain of gold!

"Godliness with contentment is of great gain!" says the Holy Scriptures. The apostle Paul learned this along life's journey, "I have learned to be content in whatever state I am in!"  Peace with God, peace with self, peace with others are treasures no amount of money or prestige can buy!  Give God something to bless; tell Him how grateful and thankful you are to Him for all He has provided- even if it is just a "dry morsel" but with God's peace spread lavishly upon it!  Be blessed and be a blessing and remember the word is "contentment!"

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Monday, September 23, 2013

Proverbs 16

Proverbs 16.

6 "By steadfast love and faithfulness iniquity is atoned for,
and by the fear of the LORD one  turns away from evil.”

The last portion, "by the fear of The Lord one turns from evil" is almost extinct in the cultural arena in which we live. God has been expelled from our schools, eradicated from our universities and denied access in our politics. His name is used in vulgar ways and the media mocks Him, as well as those who speak of their faith in Him! On our money is printed "In God we trust," yet our children cannot invoke His name at football games. Monuments and buildings throughout our nations's capital were adorned with Scripture and engraved prayer, yet He is no longer welcomed, no longer revered.

I wonder how He must feel. How would you feel if those to whom you gave so much to, protected by divine intervention and blessed beyond measure were to raise their voices in demonic hatred against you? How would you feel if you had watched your only child suffer at the hands of the very ones He had healed, helped and set free? And how would you feel if you saw those same people drive nails through your child's hands and feet, nailing Him to a cross?

It is a good thing I am not God! I can never repay what He has done for me. I can never be good enough to deserve one moment of His love, but what I can do is to live in reverent fear that I do not take for granted the sacrifice He made for me! With what can the Tempter offer that can compare to the unmerited, undeserved love He has bestowed upon me? I do fear The Lord!  I fear hurting Him. I fear bringing shame to His Name by choosing actions that cause others to doubt His existence! And I fear as The Apostle Paul declared, "I keep my body under submission lest while I preach to others, I myself become a castaway!"

"The fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom!" Little godly fear is a good thing! Give God something to bless, give Him the deep reverent fear that He deserves-after all, we must all stand before Him and give an account!  Be be leased and be a blessing!

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Friday, September 20, 2013

Proverbs 15

Proverbs 15.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but  e a harsh word stirs up anger.”

My phone rang and even before I could get out a proper, "Hello" I was barraged with screaming complaints , sarcasms and verbal attacks.  Honestly,  my flesh wanted to lash back with a war of words!  I wanted to defend myself as we'll as the others the person verbally attacking.

But just as I was opening my mouth to launch my own counter attack, I sensed a catch, a quickening deep within; it was just enough to assure me the path of action I was about to take was not a Christlike  path.  In actuality it is the Holy Spirit speaking to our spirit. In the Scripture it is called as the "witness of the Spirit" or the "unction of the Spirit." But whatever you choose to name that "quickening" the outcome is to be the same, which is, to be an example of the believer in both our actions and words-including our verbal responses.

"Soft answers" are Spirit led responses that go contrary to those fleshly prompts to "render evil for evil" by "overcoming evil with good!"  The "evil" is both the evil perpetrated on us but also the evil we are tempted to yield! Jesus never defended Himself! There are no winners in a verbal war!

As you are being attacked, whisper a silent prayer  and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the right words issued in the right tone.  Do not seek to be proven "right" but rather choose the words that will reflect Christ and reconcile the other to you and Christ!

I encourage you to follow this path, and to read the entirety of chapter 15. The Holy Spirit has provided a wealth of wisdom in the use of our words.  Give God something to bless by using your tongue the purposes it was given, to build up one another and to worship God!  Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today!  Remember, "soft responses turn away wrath!"

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Proverbs 14

Proverbs 14.

4 "Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean,but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.”

Solomon said "Get rid of the ox and your stall will stay clean and you don't have to  work!" Yes, in many ways that would make life easier, but that which we despise to do or face, is often the very thing that produces increase in our lives!

"I love God, it's His people I don't like!"  confessed a preacher friend of mine.  It wasn't a new statement,  I had heard it many times.  Before you are too shocked and turned off by preachers, see if you have heard this one, "I would go to church but there are so many hypocrites there!"  If you have witnessed for Jesus, you have heard this one.  There no perfect pastors or churches,  but thankfully for me there was and is room for one more imperfect person.  We are not perfect, we simply chooses to trust Christ-one step and decision at a time!

The next time you find yourself tempted to complain about those imperfect people you have to put up with,  work with or job you have, remember, without the ox the potential increase in your life would be significantly decreased!  Give God something to bless; change your attitude about the mess, and thank God He has provided the "ox" in your  life!  Be blessed and go take care your ox!    Pastor John

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Proverbs 13

Proverbs 13.  How Does It Taste?

“2 From the fruit of his mouth a man eats what is good,
but the desire of the treacherous is for violence.
3  Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life;
 he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.”

I am not a picky eater, in fact, when  my children tasted something thy did not like hey would say, "Give it to Dad, he will eat anything!" But there a few things I can't handle, like onions, garlic and Tai food. I am not sure whether I don't like them or that they don't like me!

Solomon discovered this truth. What comes out of our mouth becomes food for our thoughts, our emotions, and our spiritual life.  Food sustains us, gives us strength and enables us to grow. Our lives "feed" on the the words that proceed across our lips!  God has repeatedly told us, "Life and death are in the power of the tongue!"

This is why God told Joshua, "This Book of the Law shall not depart OUT OF YOUR MOUTH, but you shall dedicate in it day and night that you may observe to do all that is written therein and then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall good success!" Did you see it? The Word of God is food, milk to the young babes in Christ, bread for those a bit more mature and strong meat to those of maturity.

When you declare God's word in your conversations and in the face of your adversary you will sense your spirit growing and maturing because you are feeding on the junk food of the world but on the Heavenly food of God's word!
Pray the Word!  Speak the Word! You will eat the fruit that will come from it!  Give God something to bless,  like His Word coming out of your mouth!  Be blessed and be a blessing.  Hope to see you in church Sunday!     

Pastor John

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Proverbs 12

Proverbs 12. Those who would be wise just need to "Listen!"

I have a son in the faith that was approached by someone in the professional wrestling world. He asked him if he had ever done any wrestling and if he would be interested in doing so professionally. Nothing wrong with this but my son in the faith had been called by God to preach. He was to wrestle, just not against flesh and blood!

The money was too good to refuse!  Within days he was in a training camp where he learned how to jump, slam, make faces like a mad man and even how to fall without getting hurt- it makes for a good show!

Every move in the ring is choreographed to perfection. It truly is a "brutish ballet!" But based upon the crowds that attend, men, women and children it has a tremendous following of fans.

One day my young friend walked in the ring, ready to put on a good show, but something went horribly wrong! He walked in but he was carried out- his back broken!  The money was gone and soon his home and new vehicles. Why?  Go back again to verse 1, there you will find the answer. It is the refusal to seek and receive wise, Godly counsel!  How few trials we would face if we would just learn to listen to the counsel and wisdom of God's Word and His elders!

Don't wait to be "carried" off.  Be wise enough to listen!  If you do, you will give God something to bless- and He will!  Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today.  

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Monday, September 16, 2013

Proverbs 11

Proverbs 11. The word is, "Integrity".  

“The integrity of the upright guides them,
 but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them.
4  Riches do not profit in the day of wrath,
 but righteousness delivers from death.
5 The righteousness of the blameless  keeps his way straight,
but the wicked falls by his own wickedness.
6 The righteousness of the upright delivers them,
but the treacherous are taken captive by their lust.”

Someone wisely said, "Integrity is who I am and what I do when no one is looking!"  I believe they nailed it!  But what is "integrity?"  How do you get it? And of what value or difference will it make in my life?  

The  Oxford Dictionary defines integrity as: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness:

In the construction world, engineers describe buildings as having either strong or weak integrity.  A building with strong integrity is not that way because of the good paint job or delicate woodwork. Integrity is found in the hidden structure, the unseen beams and supports designed and chosen for their strengths to hold together the building in the storms that are sure to come!

Integrity for the followers of Christ, and for those who do not, is the same. They are founded upon different reasons, but the outcome to those who work with and watch us is very similar.  The non-follower of Christ may choose a life of integrity because of the way he or she was raised by their parents. We applaud those parents, even if they do not follow Christ! They are still following His teachings.

But for those of us who name the Name of Jesus, our decision to live lives of integrity is because 'not' to do so dishonors the One Who went to the cross and died in our place!  It matters that people see us living lives as "examples of the believer," wherever we are and in everything we do! We are "living epistles (testaments) read by all men!"  I must not put in their path a stumbling block that would hinder them from choosing the path to follow Jesus and be saved!

But integrity goes further than this.  When we willfully walk in a way, done something, watched something, or listened to something that we would not want others to know about, there is One Who is deeply hurt whether anyone else knows or not-the Holy Spirit!  We are commanded, "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit by which you were sealed unto the day of redemption!"  If you ever have, you know the depth of sorrow He experiences!

Remember, we live for Christ. Let your ""Yes" be "Yes" and your "No" be "No." Develop a reputation for honesty, truthfulness and trustworthiness. If you do you will be blessed both by God and man.  Give God something to bless, walk in integrity!

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Friday, September 13, 2013

Proverbs 10

Proverbs 10.   Something for everyone!

I hope you are reading along with me each complete chapter. As you have discovered I am able to dig just a couple God' golden nuggets of wisdom from each chapter. But there so many more just waiting for you to dig out for yourselves!

Chapter 10 is one of the chapters in Proverbs where Solomon is on a roll.  Like a humming bird flitting from flower to flower Solomon goes from topic to topic. I realize I cannot address them all, nor need I to, for he has laid them out for all who would gain wisdom to discover for themselves. But let's pull from this gold mine a few choice nuggets of truths and apply them today!

Verse 1-2.  “A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.”

“4 A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.
5 He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest is  a son who brings shame.”

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to get the meaning in Solomon's words. I wonder if he is peeping into his son's room, watching him sleep.  He must have wondered, " Where did I go wrong? I tried to impart to him wisdom from both my successes and my failures, but he doesn't seem to be listening!  He stays up all night and sleeps all day. He is quite willing to be served by others, even believing it is owed to him!

He doesn't get it that it is God's command that "Six day shall you labor" and God has declared, "If a man will not work, neither shall he eat.  He that provides not for his own is worse than an infidel and has denied the faith!"

How did Solomon's son get that way? You must remember, his father was King, lived a life in front of him of unrestrained pleasure and took whatever or whoever he wanted.  His son never wanted for, or worked for anything, he did not have to, it was given to him!  Perhaps the old timers were right, "Hard work develops character!"

Don't seek the easy way! Don't wait for things to drop in your lap. The true joy of gardening is. Not the harvest, but rather looking back at the hard work, the sweat, the planning and then seeing something you labored in become fruitful and blessed! God has promised to bless whatever you put your hands to, so give Him something to bless! Work is good for us, so let's labor in His fields and give Him something to bless!

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Proverbs 9

Proverbs 9.
Do you want to be Wise" or "Simple?" It Really Is Up To You!

“Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn her seven pillars.
2 She has slaughtered her beasts; she has mixed her wine;
she has also  a set her table.
3 She has sent out her young women to call
from  the highest places in the town,
4  "Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!” To him who lacks sense she says,
5 “Come, eat of my bread and drink of the wine I”

It is very easy to see the comparison made between the wise and the simple. Wisdom builds-establishes stability wherein a simple person never seems to be able to "get it together." Solomon says it is not "bad luck" but rather "bad choices" that create the lives they live. How ironic that God has told us time and time again there are just two doors before us, one leads to life and the other to death!  We get to choose! Jesus said we can choose to "follow Him" and He will give us life or we can choose to take a different path. Our decision! But that path will lead to destruction and death!  Again, our decision!

What does Solomon mean by "simple?" The word is is used to describe someone who goes through life with  blinders on. You know the type. They repeat the same destructive patterns time and time again. They go from one failed relationship to another, then another, and another. They keep looking for the "right one!"  I am not a math person but I do remember working with fractions, there is a numerator(the number on top) and a denominator (the number on bottom). The 'simple' do not seem to grasp that no matter how many times the numerator changes, the denominator remained the same-them!

The only way to change the outcome is to change the denominator! The problem is not with others, it is within you. But you can change the outcome by changing the path and seeking Christ's wisdom and following Him! Be blessed and don't choose the path of the simple!

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Proverbs 8

Proverbs 8. Wisdom, the way to life and favor!

32 “And now,  O son, listen to me:blessed are those who keep my ways.
33  Hear instruction and be wise,and do not neglect it.”
34  Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates,
waiting beside my doors.
35 For  whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the LORD,
36 but he who fails to find me  injures himself; all who hate me love death.”

Solomon describes "wisdom" as "eternal"!  His descriptive phrases are as if he was speaking and describing a person. One writer suggested the "wisdom" he spoke and wrote of was a portrayal of the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us!"  In truth, all said about wisdom is a portrait of our Lord!  It is His commandments we are to keep; His word we are to abide within! If we follow Him, as a servant his master, does He not say, "him will the Father honor!"

"Whoever finds me, finds life and obtains favor from The Lord!"  If you are having a difficult time wrapping your mind around the proverbs of Solomon, just read them as if you were on the hillside and Jesus was speaking directly to you- telling you what you need to do, and how to stay free from Satan's seductions!

Want God to put the seal of His favor upon you?  Tired of life as you have known it?  Are you now ready to make an about face and do things Wisdom's way?  It will lead you to the "life more abundantly Jesus promised was available to all!  Study these proverbs and treat them as they are, Words out of the mouth of God giving you practical directions for victorious Christlike living!

His Words are life to all who find them! They are more valuable than mountains of gold, silver and jewels!  They lead to Life!  Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today!

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Proverbs 7

Proverbs 7.  Looking Good!

If anyone had an issue with temptation, it was King Solomon!  He had 700 wives and 300 concubines (mistresses). He was according to Jesus, the wisest man that ever lived-next to Jesus of course. But knowing right and doing right are miles apart! It reads as if Solomon was reliving some very unwise moments in his life!

From this experiential background he is doing all he can to keep his son from following down his path. He goes into great detail describing for his his son, and us, the persuasive power of temptation.

 First, Solomon pulls no punches, he tells us Satan goes after the simple and the young. Why them? Have you ever tried to tell your son or daughter not to associate with someone? Did they receive your wise counsel? Probably not.

Next, The young, the simple are easy to deceive by the enemy for a several reasons. First, temptation is pleasing to the senses. Next, temptation tells the simple or young what they want to hear!  Temptation makes you feel special- all the way to hell!  Remember Solomon's warning, temptation promises much, and there is pleasure in sin for a season, but the end is destruction and death!

Finally, Solomon reminds his son that "stolen bread eaten in secret is sweet indeed!"  The seductress whispers, "My husband is away. I went to church and prayed (paid my vows)  God wants us happy!"  What a believable lie that is! And it is one used so effectively so many often.

How do you fight temptation?  If it is a sexual temptation, the answer is simple but can be so difficult to do. The answer, FLEE! That's right, run!  In fact, fleeing temptation of every sort is the right way. No matter how wise you think you are, no matter how strong you are, you are no match on your own against Satan's seductive ways!  When you find yourself being tempted run to the cross and, once there, cry out to Christ and ask the a Holy Spirit to guide you, and strengthen you with His Spirit in your inner man.  He will strengthen you and will quicken your spirit when the enemy sets a trap for you. Stay free!

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

Monday, September 9, 2013

Proverbs 6

Proverbs 6. Ever been asked to "co-sign" for someone? 
Read this before you do!

I never cease to be amazed at the practical wisdom God has given us.  Consider the wisdom of verses 1-5 dealing with being a co-signer for anyone-God's command is, "Don't do it!"  If you already have, God tells us to make haste and do all you can to be released from it!

We all know stories of friendships, and even families, that became vehement enemies all because of money owed and not repaid!  If someone asks you to co-sign for them, simply tell them, "I am sorry, but I can't. God's Word commands me not to do so. But I will pray for you that if what you want is God's will for you, that He will open the way for you;. But if not, that He will show you the door or way He has prepared for you!"

Don't allow Satan to use your compassionate desire to help someone lead you into disobey God.  Even compassion or pleas for help does not justify defying God!  If you cannot give what someone ask, and expect never to be repaid, do not co-sign or lend1  Don't give Satan an open door to destroy a relationship.

Be sure to read the rest of chapter 6. Pay close attention to verses 16-19. You might be surprised that there are 7 things God 'hates!'

Pastor John Watford
Lead Pastor

Friday, September 6, 2013

Proverbs 5

Proverbs 5. Temptations! Where would we be without them?

Chapter 5 is a MUST read!

"1 My son, be attentive to my wisdom; incline your ear to my understanding,
2 that you may keep  discretion, and your lips may  guard knowledge.
3 For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil..."

This entire chapter focuses on 'temptation' and how to not follow it to our destruction!
Note verse 3 and the word, "forbidden!"  Why is it that which we know is wrong, bad for, and forbidden has such a powerful allure?  A proverb we will come to later openly declares, "Stolen bread eaten in secret is sweet indeed!"  A relationship we know is wrong, has such a dynamic, obsessive pull in us because it has a demonic anointing on it that feeds our flesh and our soul nature to have that which has been declared off limits!

Lucifer did it! Eve did it, and if honesty prevailed, we have all gone after that which we knew was "forbidden!"

How do you not give in to the physical, emotional and mental powerful pull of temptation?  At first, it will probably the greatest struggle of your life; the parts of you that has been feasting on the forbidden will cry out, demand and justify that the need is legitimate!  Demonic spirits will feed these ungodly flames and begin to torment your thought life. But God is more powerful than any temptation, temptress, or tormentor!

1. Study the Scripture. They will guide and strengthen you.
2. Flee places and people who you know are temptations to you
3. Pray!  Be honest with God about your struggles. He knows anyway but is waiting for you to ask and receive His strength
4. Get an accountability partner, someone who loves you but will address head on your walk and actions, as well as pray with and for you!
5.  Be in church every time the doors are open and live at the altar!
6.  Read the Word as a starving man. Gone are the times of picking and choosing what you want to read or listen to, you are in a fight for your eternal soul!
7. Finally, count the cost!  What will those brief moments of pleasure cost you?  Do not be deceived, they will cost you--and those you love!

This is Pastor John reminding you to Read the Word and apply it to your life!  You will be glad you did!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Proverbs 4

Proverbs 4.     God's Sobriety Test

Most of us have seen on television scenes of an officer of the law pulling someone over, suspecting them of driving while impaired.  In the scene the officer has ask the individual a series of questions followed by a few simple activities such as closing their eyes and touching their nose. Another good one is counting backwards. Yet my all time favorite is where they have the person in question attempt to walk a straight line.  To prove it can be done the officer does it easily!

After a few waddling, swirling attempts they are determined to be "under the influence" and arrested.

Why? We all know the answer. They could wreck or cause a wreck that could injure or kill themselves, or even worse, some innocent family! Most of us have known this to be sadly true!

When you look in the mirror do you see someone who "keeps their heart with all diligence?" 
V23. Do you see someone looking back from that mirror that knows you cannot drink from Satan's cup without becoming under his influence! Our Lord commanded us to "keep our heart with all diligence.
v24, to "put away wrong speech, 
v26, and to ponder the path our feet are taking, 
v27. Judge yourself!  Examine yourself, your actions, the direction your life is going and ask, "Is this the life I really want for me? My family?

If not, God has provided the way out and the way up!  Read the Word!  Apply the Word!  I know denying the pull of old habits and beliefs can be difficult. But the life you want, and the life God has  for you is worth the temporary struggle! God's Word works!  

This is Pastor John reminding you to "keep your heart with all diligence;  only live under God's influence!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Proverbs 3

Proverbs 3. Experiencing God's Best!

Verses 1-4 are reminders and verses of encouragement to stay focused on God and to stay steadfast in applying His teachings in every area of our lives. You can sense the words of warning to give all attention that we not wander from the path by following others.

I love the reward God promises to those who trust and follow Him! "So you will find favor and success in the sight of God and man!" Ever wondered how you could get God's favor on your life? 

Verse 1-4 make it very plain. Ever wondered how to get your life turned around? It is no mystery, God has told us! "Trust in..."

I don't know how many times I have quoted and stood on verses 5-10. Look at them with me:

V.5. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart,and do not lean on your own understanding. (Let go of control)
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,and he l will make straight”
“your paths. (Seek His will first)
7 Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. (Don't be tricked that you have a better plan or that your situation is "different!")
8 It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; (Are you returning to God His tithe? Do not rob God! You place your life under a curse and are easy prey for Satan!)
10 then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.”  (Blessings follow obedience!). 

This is Pastor John reminding you, "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word!"  Choose to be blessed, give God something to bless!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Proverbs 2

Proverbs 2.    "Deliver Me!"

Be sure to read all of Proverbs chapter 2 today!  It describes in great detail how God's Word, and applying it, will deliver and protect us from those Satan would use to bring us down-or keep us down!

Verse 1-12 tells us "if you seek wisdom (wisdom from and of God) that God would respond and "speak to you wisdom" that will:
1. V.7.  Shield your integrity2.  V.8. Guard you3.  V.9-10. You will receive from His Divine understanding rightness with God, of justice, and equity in all our dealings with others.

These 'shut the door' to Satan because you "gave no place to the Devil!"  Read along with me those God protects us from:
V.12    Those who speak perverted things .   Corrupt language corrupts!  Remember, "Iron sharpens iron and a person's companions will shape who he becomes."  " He that walks with wise men shall be wise,". Beware of those you let or bring into your life!

V.13-15   Those who have turned away from God, the ways of God,  and try to get you to join in with them

V.16-19  Seduction!   Remember, Adam gave up his personal, intimate fellowship relationship with God for cute, warm and cuddly Eve!  Physical and emotional attraction are powerful tools in Satan's toolbox!  God created our desires, but we re not animals to be controlled by them.  Satan does not tell you of the loss and suffering giving in to seduction causes!

Verse 22 " warns us, yes, tells us ahead of time, that "the wicked will be cut off!"  You can not dance with the Devil and think you can lead!  Sin will take you further then you thought you would ever go, do what you never thought you would do, keep you longer than you thought you would stay, and cost you more than you thought you would ever pay!

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom!"  Study these proverbs.  Question yourself, "How does this apply to me?  What is God speaking to me about through His Word?  What do I need to do?"   You will never get lost when you follow God!

This Pastor John reminding you to Read and Apply the Word!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Proverbs 1

Proverbs 1  Life's Got Questions!    Proverbs: is the Book of Answers

I am so excited about this 31 one day study of the Book of Proverbs. I will share with you what God is speaking to me in each chapter. Feel free to contact me at pastorjohn@nbcornerstone and share your testimonies of how you received a word of guidance through the study and how you applied it's divine direction!  Let's get started!

Proverbs  chapter 1: Our 'attitude' towards Scripture! What we do with God's Word treveals our heart attitude towards Scripture!

“The Beginning of Knowledge"

1. The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: 
2 To know wisdom and instruction,to understand words of insight, 
3 to receive instruction in wise dealing: in  righteousness, justice, and equity; 
4 to give prudence to the simple,knowledge and  discretion to the youth—
5 Let the wise hear and  increase in learning,and the one who understands obtain guidance,”

Those who study the Scripture as God's Survival Manuel, find and acquire wisdom for living, and peace in living!  Those who do not, live roller coaster lives, making one disastrous decision after another! All along they wonder "Why?"

Grab a pen and paper, a notebook or your computer and start today listing the promises and guidance from each chapter of our study that God's Word read, mediated on and applied will do in your life! Ask yourself, "How do I apply this?in what area do I need..."   You will soon find yourself "making wise decisions" and "avoiding tricks and traps of the enemy!"

This is Pastor John, be in church Sunday, and be in the Word everyday!  Treasure the Word!