Monday, September 30, 2013

Proverbs 21

Proverbs 21.  Trouble Free Living

No one can live a life totally free from trouble!  But a lot of it can be avoided if we listen, learn and live this powerful piece of wisdom"

“23  Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble”

The old Cajun fisherman pulled in his seventh or eighth fish of the morning and dropped it in his bucket.  He smiled as he glanced at my fresh, clean and empty bucket.  "Hey Pastor, ya know even da fish would not get in trouble if he kept his mouth shut-for sure yeh!"   My fish were doing quite well at keeping their mouth shut!  I wish I could always say that about myself- and others I have encountered along life's way.

God commands us in His Word to "Put a guard over our lips!"  We are to guard, govern all that goes out the gate of our lips. To this all would agree, but it is normally followed with, "I speak before I think." Or "We'll if I am thinking it I might as well say it, it is just as bad!"  One said all too often, "I just can't help it! Before I know what I have said, I have already said it!"  Ever heard or said that one? And finally the number one of all times, "I said it, but I did not mean it!" as if that would remove the poison their words inflicted.

If you wish to stay out of trouble, or at least out of much of it, listen and do what our Father commands us.  "A soft answer turns away wrath!" And "return not evil with evil, but overcome evil with good!"  How quieter lives would we live if we live "Be quick to hear and slow to speak!"  Remember the words of wisdom from my old Cajun friend, "hey Pastor, even a fish would not get caught if he kept his mouth shut, for sure, yeh!"  

Give God something to bless, like a "bridled tongue!"  For if our tongue is not bridled- controlled- the Holy Spirit said our "religion is in vain-worthless trash!"  Start today and ask the Holy Spirit to help you respond when He prompts you to "Be quiet!"

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

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