Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Proverbs 17

Proverbs 17.  Contentment

“Better is a dry morsel with quiet than a house full of feasting with strife."

Can you hear the echo of Solomon's thoughts as he writes these words to his son in hopes that he will not make the same mistakes as he had done. He had so much but lived so empty!  Seven hundred wives, three hundred mistresses, mountains of gold, yet he described it all as "vanity," dry wells, promising much, but delivering little!

Solomon was the wealthiest man alive, and according to Jesus, the wisest that ever lived. What would he know about having nothing but "dry morsels" to live on?  He is old as he pens these words of wisdom. As he writes, his hands shake, not so much with age, but with truths learned the hard way, and at great cost!

Without question Solomon was the source of many conversations. Kings and would-be monarchs envied his wealth, prestige, and power but the acquisition of it all had not brought to Solomon the one thing he longed for- peace!  With all he had he was saying, "I would trade it all for a life of peace and contentment!"

Think this not strange nor an issue of long ago. Our own superstars, rich, glamorous and with all the stuff this world can offer turn to drugs, alcohol and relationship after relationship trying to find that missing ingredient that makes life worth living, and that is contentment!  If they were content- fulfilled by their success and the stuff of life- they would have no need of the death they take into their bodies!  Ask Solomon, or better yet, listen to God, both will tell you a life of peace is more valuable than a mountain of gold!

"Godliness with contentment is of great gain!" says the Holy Scriptures. The apostle Paul learned this along life's journey, "I have learned to be content in whatever state I am in!"  Peace with God, peace with self, peace with others are treasures no amount of money or prestige can buy!  Give God something to bless; tell Him how grateful and thankful you are to Him for all He has provided- even if it is just a "dry morsel" but with God's peace spread lavishly upon it!  Be blessed and be a blessing and remember the word is "contentment!"

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

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