Monday, September 16, 2013

Proverbs 11

Proverbs 11. The word is, "Integrity".  

“The integrity of the upright guides them,
 but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them.
4  Riches do not profit in the day of wrath,
 but righteousness delivers from death.
5 The righteousness of the blameless  keeps his way straight,
but the wicked falls by his own wickedness.
6 The righteousness of the upright delivers them,
but the treacherous are taken captive by their lust.”

Someone wisely said, "Integrity is who I am and what I do when no one is looking!"  I believe they nailed it!  But what is "integrity?"  How do you get it? And of what value or difference will it make in my life?  

The  Oxford Dictionary defines integrity as: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness:

In the construction world, engineers describe buildings as having either strong or weak integrity.  A building with strong integrity is not that way because of the good paint job or delicate woodwork. Integrity is found in the hidden structure, the unseen beams and supports designed and chosen for their strengths to hold together the building in the storms that are sure to come!

Integrity for the followers of Christ, and for those who do not, is the same. They are founded upon different reasons, but the outcome to those who work with and watch us is very similar.  The non-follower of Christ may choose a life of integrity because of the way he or she was raised by their parents. We applaud those parents, even if they do not follow Christ! They are still following His teachings.

But for those of us who name the Name of Jesus, our decision to live lives of integrity is because 'not' to do so dishonors the One Who went to the cross and died in our place!  It matters that people see us living lives as "examples of the believer," wherever we are and in everything we do! We are "living epistles (testaments) read by all men!"  I must not put in their path a stumbling block that would hinder them from choosing the path to follow Jesus and be saved!

But integrity goes further than this.  When we willfully walk in a way, done something, watched something, or listened to something that we would not want others to know about, there is One Who is deeply hurt whether anyone else knows or not-the Holy Spirit!  We are commanded, "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit by which you were sealed unto the day of redemption!"  If you ever have, you know the depth of sorrow He experiences!

Remember, we live for Christ. Let your ""Yes" be "Yes" and your "No" be "No." Develop a reputation for honesty, truthfulness and trustworthiness. If you do you will be blessed both by God and man.  Give God something to bless, walk in integrity!

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

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