"So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Psalm 90:12
Good morning! Ever since I lost my mom at the age of 13 I have decided to live by the motto "live life to the fullest." As I have gotten older and become closer to Christ my view of this motto has changed. As a teenager I viewed this as try everything you can get your hands on and take advantage every chance I had. Now living life to the fullest means living life for Christ in every way possible.
I find it funny when I talk to kids about summer coming and they can count the exact number of days until school is out. I also remember when I was in school at South Eastern University I was counting down the exact amount of days until I was back home. When we number our days we set a list of things we have to do during those days, its a countdown for us. When a student is counting down the number of days till summer they have that many days filled with exams, studying, its during that time that students make plans with their friends for the summer. Why is it like this? Because they know their time is short, as far as time left in the school year. Most know what they have to make on their exam to pass their class, so they study to make that grade, but once the exam is taken it is too late to make up for study time.
That is the way God intends for us to live, to number our days. We don't know when our time will end so to number every day every opportunity as it is our last chance to spread the gospel. Could you imagine if every Christian lived every day is if it were their last, to spread the gospel and tell all their friends and family about Jesus. Think about all the excuses we give as to why we don't witness to friends family or even strangers. Th majority of them go like this, "I don't know what to say", or, "I just don't think it is the right time". Well, when is it the right time? We are told to number our days, so lets live like we number our days. Lets live like we might not have tomorrow.
It doesn't matter how old you are, you never know when your time is up, you never know when God is going to call you home. I am sure that my mom didn't expect to be called home at the age of 45, but she was. I look back at her life now and I can remember that towards the end she spent more time talking about Jesus and sharing Jesus than anytime before. Why? Because she knew her days were numbered. As you go on through your day, through your week, how will you spend your time? Will you constantly make plans for tomorrow and ignore the things of God that are before you today, or will you take time out of your busy day and share the Gospel with the lost? It is time for us to treat every day as if it were our last, and live life to its fullest, to number our days, to live for Christ.
Let us pray. Father help me number my days. Lord help me reach the lost for You. Help me show people the way of Christ with every opportunity I get. May my day my week honor you Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen.
David Wiggins
Youth Pastor