Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Life Lessons From Moses

Life Lessons From Moses

The story of Moses takes place in the book of Exodus. As well all know, Moses was a Jew who was raised in Pharaoh's court where he killed an Egyptian and then ran and hid into the desert, where he married and settled. In chapter 3 Moses has his first real encounter with God during his famous encounter at the burning bush. This is where most of us miss it. If we fast forward to the book of Deuteronomy 33:16, in Moses' final address to Israel, he referred to God as the God who dwelt in the burning bush. Its amazing when you think about it with all the miracles God did for Moses, he chose the burning bush. The question is why? Why didn't he refer to God as the God who parted the Red Sea or the God who caused manna to fall from the sky.  There were many  miracles where Moses encountered God but yet he referred to God as the one who dwelt in the burning bush.

Lets jump forward real quick to the New Testament. Galatians 1, Paul is writing and tells us that you can't teach salvation that it has to be a revelation from God, and then Paul tells us about His revelation of God when God blinded him and revealed himself to him. What we have to remember is that Paul, before becoming a Christian, studied the scriptures under Gamaliel who was one of the top priests. Paul knew God's word but yet he didn't come to truly know God until God revealed Himself.  Paul's burning bush experience was when God blinded Him and made himself known. Before that, Paul just had head knowledge of God, but he didn't truly know God. Do you see how Paul couldn't be taught salvation? That it had to be a revelation from God?  Do you see how Moses couldn't be taught who God was? God had to reveal Himself to Moses.

The question I have come to ask myself along with others is, what is your burning bush? When was it that God revealed Himself to you? One of the things that I seem to not understand is when I meet "Christians" who have never had an encounter with God. I wonder, if you have never had an encounter with God, how do you know who He is? So many times we rely on our parents experiences with God, or stories we hear of how God worked in other people's lives, but yet so many Christians have never really experienced God or gotten to know Him.  

I have a friend who made a very strong point about us as humans.  He said that the most important parts of his life he remembers the exact details, the parts of his life that define him are memories he never forgets.  When God revealed Himself  to Moses it was a defining moment in Moses' life. It was a memory that he would never forget. That should be true to all of us, that moment of coming to Jesus; where God revealed Himself to us is a moment none of us will forget.  So as we close, ask yourself this, do I have a burning bush experience? If not, why not?

Let us pray, Father I pray that you open our eyes, and hearts to the moments you grant us, keep them fresh in our memories. Always remind us of our burning bush moment, remind us of the moment that you broke us and we became humble before you asking for forgiveness of all we had done. For those of us who have not had an experience with you God, that you will stir a desire in us to the point that all we want is that moment where you reveal yourself to us. That moment where, God, You no longer become just stories we read and hear, but You become real. In Jesus' name. Amen.

David Wiggins
Youth Pastor

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