Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Focus On The Focus Part 7

Focus on the Focus--how to come out on nTop when You are Under a Spiritual Attack!

Daniel's life hung by a thin thread. He had been found guilty of breaking the law.  His crime--he was found praying, not just once, but three times a day!  Would to God there was enough evidence to charge all of God's people with this crime!

Forgive me for meddling, but prayer impacted his life and his spirit-led life was having an impact on the king, a man who did not know the God of Daniel!  Daniel's prayers also stirred up the demonic world!  They were losing ground, they were losing control of a man who could impact the entire worlds.  What a powerful weapon is a man, woman or child on their knees! They are of a race greater than all the bombs, bullets, and ballistic missiles in every arsenal in every country around the world!

One man on his knees! One man determined to represent God in a part of the world where the demonic activity was at its pinnacle was overturning the spiritual powers of darkness! One man on his knees was unseating the Prince of Persia, the fallen angel who had been assigned by Lucifer to rule that geographic region! What power!  What supernatural power is available and unleashed when we determine to not compromise our faith and to represent our Lord wherever we are! What power Father has bestowed upon us with His promise, "Call upon Me and I will answer you!"

You cannot fight spiritual beings with human weapons of the will and promises. The victory is won on your knees and manifested by your life of spiritual and moral integrity knowing that you represent God on earth!
Be blessed and come back tomorrow for more Focus On the Focus!

Rev. John Watford
Senior Pastor

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