Spiritual Warfare: Part 4
During the discussion in the last three devotions I was using the spelling of evil spirits, evil muses, evil inspirations and evil supernatural created beings as Daemons. However, the spell checker changed the spelling to demons. I hope you will use the Outlook Thesaurus on your computer or even the Roget’s Thesaurus on your desk to find the synonym differences between the words demons and Daemons. Remember that Satan, the devil, is a deceiver. Demons are Daemons but not all Daemons are Demons.
In our last devotion we discovered that 2 Corinthians 10: 3-6 seemed to deal more with the human side of evil, while, Ephesians 6: 10-13 seemed to deal with the evil supernatural created beings. So for today’s devotion let us just deal with the human inspired evil.
God tells us in 2 Corinthians 10: 5 that, while fighting evil, we will be “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”. Is that not what we have previously talked about? Muses are thoughts; imaginations are inspirations and the human spirit surely can “exalteth itself against the knowledge of God”.
Oh yes, this verse could pertain to evil supernatural created beings, but, let us talk about evil supernatural created beings tomorrow. Right now I want to discuss the weapons available to us to fight the human inspired evil.
The best way to overcome evil thoughts is to think about Jesus Christ and the things he has said in the Holy Bible. So weapon number one is read the Bible.
The best way to overcome evil inspirations and evil actions is to communicate with God. Pray in the Name of Jesus. Ask our Gracious Heavenly Father for forgiveness and mercy. So weapon number two is Prayer.
Now the hardest human inspired evil for us to address is that of addressing every high thing (or human spirit) that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. The weapon of choice is witnessing. God commands us in Matthew 28: 19-20 to witness. You may witness in word and deed and most of all in how you live for Christ.
Each Royal Ranger knows that to be Spiritual he has to Pray, Read the Bible and Witness.
Dear God,
Help me to Pray, Read the Bible and Witness.
In the Name of Jesus I ask this.
Cdr. Myron Burrows
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