Monday, October 7, 2013

Proverbs 26

Proverbs 26.  Fools and a Mad Dog!

Verse 1-11 describe the fool and how foolish (we would say "stupid") are those who engage or involve themselves with fools.  When you do, you become just as much a fool as they are! He seems to be setting us up for verse 17.  "Whoever meddles in a quarrel not his own is like a man who takes a passing dog by the ears."  Other translations describe it as a "mad dog!"

A fool grabs hold of both ears never realizing if he lets go of either ear the dog can turn his head and bite him. So it is with fools who meddle in the affairs of others!  If it does not involve you, don't get involved unless both parties are ready to get things right because they both know it is right with God for them to do so. Issues arise, but beware of opening the door for a fool to walk in and stir up more strife and division than is already there!

Fools get involved in the affairs of others. They meddle, they whisper, they tell what they heard, and even things they did not hear! They keep the fires of strife burning.  It makes them feel important, superior and it takes their mind off their own miserable existence!  Stay away from these! Avoid them like the plague they are.  You cannot reason with them, they will not accept it. You cannot show them the error of their ways, they cannot see them!

Give God something to bless, "A wise man walks with wise men and becomes wiser!" Choose carefully those to whom you bring into your confidence. Take your issues to the Holy Spirit, the Counselor and from Him seek wisdom!  Be blessed!

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

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