Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Proverbs 27

Proverbs 27.  “Ouch! That Hurt!”

6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.
17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

From the first day I read these two verses they ‘stuck’ in my memory. Jesus taught us that the “Holy Spirit will bring all things back to your remembrance,” and He has brought these back many times! Have you ever had a friend tell you what you needed to hear rather than what you wanted to hear? 

Two little girls were on the playground laughing ad having a great time! They were best friends. One told the other, “You should wait until it is your turn to swing and not jump in front of others.” To this her friend wheeled around, her eyes blazing and shouted, “You are not my friend anymore!” and stomped off! Ever heard that? Ever said that?

God tells us that “a friend loveth at all times,” not just when we are right. Years ago I heard someone say, “A friend comes in the door when everyone- even family- has walked out!” True friendship- Godlike friendship- tells you the truth in love, whether you want to hear it or not! Are you willing to listen?

Everyone needs someone in our lives to whom we make ourselves accountable. We all need someone who cares enough about our well being, in every area of life, to tell you the truth! We all need someone that not only has the right to speak into our lives, but also our respect and to whom we will listen. It is never easy to take rebuke, even if it is loving rebuke meant for our good. It hurts! It is painful! One wound of a friend who tells us what we need to hear is far more priceless than ten thousand empty, false accolades of false friends!

Consider the following and it will help you be more receptive the next time the ‘iron of truth’ rubs you the wrong way:

1. The friend who tells you the truth risks losing your friendship. But they believe in you and love you enough to risk losing your friendship to do so.2. They have nothing to gain when they “speak the truth in love” to you.3. Telling someone what you know they really don’t want to hear is extremely difficult. But you see, they love the other person more than they love the fellowship together!4. Ask yourself, “Is what they are saying in alignment with God’s word? Why am I resisting? Will their counsel me lead me closer to God or further away?

Give God something to bless and learn the value of listening to godly counsel!

Rev. John Watford
Lead Pastor

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