Monday, July 1, 2013

Worship- Part 1

Worship is one of the most integral components of a Christian’s walk with God, but is often the most misunderstood. The most common myth concerning worship is that it starts with a hymn and ends with an expression of gratitude (praise towards God) or leaving someone crying at the altar after an emotional encounter with God, when music has absolutely nothing to do with worship. One author wrote that, ”music simply identifies with your culture”.  Although, music is most certainly a part of worship, it is not all that encompassing. Rick Warren writes, “Every activity can be transformed into an act of worship when you do it for the praise, glory and pleasure of God.” The bible says in Colossians 3:23 “whatever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord…” When we do this, whatever it is that we are doing becomes an act of worship. Therefore, every part of the church service becomes an act of worship. The offering is an act of worship, the announcements is an act of worship; the altar call becomes an act of worship. Greeting our visitors becomes an act of worship. Not only that, it doesn’t end after the benediction. As we witness to someone on the job or in the grocery store, we are worshipping God because when we do these things, it is done to give Him glory.
Unlike praise, worship requires an intimate relationship with God. The bible says in Psalm, “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord.” This means that any and everything with life can give God praise and should. But this is not so with worship. Because, when you are worshipping God, you are praising Him and giving Him thanks, honor and glory for who He is and not for what he has done. Praise is commonly reserved to give God glory for an act that he has done. But, when you worship Him, you will honor Him whether He blesses you or not.
I admonish each of you today to go out and worship the Lord and bring honor and glory unto His name. Amen!!!

Melvin Stigler
Associate Pastor

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