Thursday, July 4, 2013

Worship- Part 3

“I surrender all, all to Jesus my blessed Saviour, I surrender all.”

These are the words to one of my favorite hymns of all time. Each and every time that I hear this song and sing it in church, I get all caught up in the moment. This song simply creates an atmosphere of praise and adoration for God.  At the very moment that I am singing that song, I really mean each and every word that I am saying. It is once I come down off that spiritual high that I question it. What about you?

To surrender is against a person’s natural inclination. No one wants to “surrender all” willingly. Webster's defines surrender as “to yield the power or possession to another”. In the art of war, it means to give up. It is to totally submit. Some may even say, you are a loser. Now, who wants to be called a loser? I certainly don’t. But this is what we are saying when we tell God that we surrender all.

Surrendering all to God is the ultimate act of worship. It means that you are giving up everything that you possess or own for his glory and honour. This is what the cherubims and seraphims were created to do. The Bible says in Isaiah 6, “In the year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon the throne…above it stood the seraphims: each had six wings, with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet and with two, he did fly”. The Bible goes on to say that the seraphims were constantly crying out, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord” in worship and adoration of God.  The cherubims role is slightly different. Instead of flying around and worshipping God, they remain at His feet constantly glorifying and worshipping God. That is their only purpose.

When you are completely surrendered, you are completely sold out for a purpose just as the seraphims and cherubims are. Are you completely surrendered to God? Have you surrendered all unto God as we have said so many times when we sang that song? For me, many times, I was simply caught up in the moment. Now, if you really mean you are completely surrendering to God, open this link and let's worship Him together.

Melvin Stigler
Associate Pastor

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